Mobile Cardiac Screening for One Club Douglas

Why undergo a Cardiac Screening?

  • Up to 100 young people die each year in Ireland from Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS)
  • 1 in 300 people may have a cardiac abnormality
  • The national register recently reported that the incidents of SADS are higher in Ireland than many other European countries.
  • In Italy cardiac screening is mandatory for anyone aged 12 to 35 years involved in competitive sport for the past 25 years. They have reduced the incidents of SADS by 89%.
  • The GAA’s Medical Scientific and Welfare Committee and the International Rugby Board recommend cardiac screening for all players over the age of 14 years
  •  The European Society of Cardiology & the International Olympic Committee recommends cardiac screening.
  • The AMS service is based on the recommendations of the above named organisations.

Bookings can be made online.

Further Information

By bmconsultingcork Fri 14th Jul