Happy Father’s Day to all our Great Dads. Managers, Coaches, Mentors, Supporters, Players And volunteers!!!

THE DOUGOUT Coffee Dock at Douglas GAA is now open every Saturday 09:00-16:00 and Sundays 11:00-15:00 serving Three Fools Specialty Coffee and treats.

Douglas Golf Classic:
This year’s Golf Classic will be held on Thursday 27th and Friday 28th June in Douglas Golf Club. This is always a great day in the club calendar and is booking out quickly.
Friday is almost gone and Thursday is booking up fast. To book a Tee time or become a Tee Box Sponsor, please go to this LINK https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=hrxFrNSvpUKfwz6H4bd_zk-7hodAxj9NqzdMkw_IxaFUNTNGR1lOUzU4TVYzWUk1Uk1DVVNTODk3Si4u
Student Golf Classic 27th and 28th June:
This year we are running a Student Golf Competition as part of the Golf Classic.
This will be available to 14+ age secondary and college students at off peak times 8-9am on both days. The charge is €100 per team of 4. To book a tee time follow this link https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=hrxFrNSvpUKfwz6H4bd_zk-7hodAxj9NqzdMkw_IxaFUODNTSjFHUUVaNkNEMURITUhPTTY1UkxaNS4u

Booking Re-opened for Summer Camps:
We still have spaces available for our 5 Summer Camps at the link below . Anyone who books from now on is not guaranteed jersey prior to camps!!!

Pitch Based Athletic Development:
With Kevin Mulcahy Head of Athletic Development Douglas
Aimed at 14-18 year olds.
Boys 3-4pm Pitch 1
Girls 4-5pm Pitch 1
Every Friday for the foreseeable future.

– agility & perceptual skills
– Acceleration, Deceleration & Change of Direction
– Speed
– Field Sport Conditioning
Level or age irrelevant, by nature this will be individualised

Douglas Healthy Club:

Our Healthy Club Committee organised First Aid and CPR course on Saturday to educate our mentors and volunteer parents on the basics of First Aid training. Well done to all who participated.

By prodouglasgaa Sun 16th Jun