Douglas Cul Camp 2024

We are looking forward to two great weeks at Douglas Cul Camp.

Please make sure you attend the correct week according to you booking!

Cul Camp Times

Start Time: 10am

Arrive from 9.45 each morning.

Finish Times: 2pm

Arrive at 1.45pm for collections.

Registration on Monday: Each child must be registered.  There will be registration tables according to surname and you child will be put into an age-appropriate group.

Collections: Children must be collected from the designated area on Pitch 1 and coaches will tick them off their list.  Children will not be able to leave the pitch without their parent/guardian.  A written note must be provided to Orlaith for anyone walking home without a parent.

Drop Off: From Tuesday, children should bring their bags to the pitch, go to their numbered cone and sign in with their coach.

Parking: Due to large numbers at the camp, parents/guardians are advised to park and walk to the club for collection.  St. Columba’s school gate will be open for drop off and collection.  If you are parking in the club, you should expect delays.

What to bring:

·      Packed lunch & plenty of drinks (*Nut Free Camp due to Allergies*)

·      Hurley & Helmet

·      Gumshield for Football

·      Rain jacket and changes of gear for wet days

·      Suncream

·      Labelled Towel

Note: Ensure all clothing backpacks and water bottles are clearly labelled with your childs name)

Bad Weather: In the event of bad weather, we may have to cancel/suspend the camp on a particular day.  We will endeavour to keep these to an absolute minimum.  Please keep an eye on social media channels for this.

Objective: The whole idea of Cul Camp is for each child to have fun and a positive experience.  If your child has any issues during the week, ask them to please speak to their coach/the co-ordinators on the day and we will try to resolve any issues.

Co-Ordinators:  John Hallahan – 0860466814                           Orlaith Hallahan – 0838055577

By prodouglasgaa Mon 12th Aug